About Us

Amelia Now magazine was founded in 1975 by the late Helen Gordon Litrico. Helen was in charge of public relations and marketing for the newly-opened Amelia Island Plantation (now Omni Resort). Starting in 1974, visitors flocked to the resort at the south end of Amelia Island. Unfortunately, many of those folks usually left without knowing there was anything else of interest on Amelia Island. They missed historic downtown Fernandina, the docks along the riverfront, the Victorian architecture, Fort Clinch and all the rest of the local history. So, Amelia Now was created to fill a niche by providing articles on Fernandina, and advertisements of many local businesses. And as tourism grew on Amelia Island, so did Amelia Now!

As we approach our 50th year of publication, Amelia Now is still a family-owned business that is proud to be a part of the unique and wonderful community that is Amelia Island. Please spend some time on our website or pick up a copy of our most recent print edition and see everything that Amelia has to offer.